2nd Entry - 2010 NCM : Joseph's Easter Eggs

Woot! Woot! I made a tradional LO!

When was the last time I made traditional scrapbooking? It was 2008 April 18 http://jerosha.multiply.com/photos/album/41/Who_Me

I'm so ashamed of my own self when I realized that hehehehehehe. I'm way - way - way - behind making LOs for my family particularly Joseph's pictures. What have I been doing all those 2 years? Well at least it's not actually 2 years but almost hihihihihihihi. Plus I did created different things all these time, right?

While cleaning Joseph's TV room I saw a small envelop with his pictures inside. I guess I left it there last 2008 together with some of my craft items. C'mon don't even think that I have not been cleaning my son's TV room since 2008 because I found some of my things inside a big box filled with his baby books and the box was stored way up his cabinet. I kept the box there as far as I remember because a friend would borrow the books.

Anyway since Easter is just around the corner I decided to make a LO and it's my 2nd entry for this month as we celebrate the National Craft Month. You will notice that the LO has no frills coz I maximized the space for his pictures....I was so lucky to capture the moments while he was drawing and coloring his 2007 Easter Eggs. I even added 2 of his favorite own egg drawings at that time. He was 4yrs old when he made the eggs. Even the brackets I just drew it and handwritten caption.

He was happy to see I made a layout for him and of course started to bug me about making something from the beautiful Easter eggs he got from Joan last year, 2009. Once again I promised him I will do my best =D

Sorry for kind'a blurry picture. I have been ice skating with Joseph in his school with the whole class (which by the way happens every Wednesday then Fridays we go skiing also with his whole class) then met a friend had lunch and did an important errand .... get Joseph from school ... cleaned our home .. cooked dinner ... - very tiring and hectic day for me. I did manage to make the LO as my resting period before cooking. By the way, I stamped and embossed the title of this layout .... laminated his 2 favorite drawn eggs.


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