Prismacolor Storage Solution (temporarily)

See I told you I'm really slow when using my latest toys.  If I started using my Cricut Expression after nearly a year after I bought it then I honestly say that I haven't used my Prisma Colored Pencils for more than a year now since I bought it.

As long as I breathe there is a chance for me to try this brilliant tool, right? hehehehehehehehe  Top on my list is "Try using PrismaColor when coloring a stamp image!".  I will and that's a promise meant to be fulfilled.

Let me show you how I store my Prisma babies now.  I bought the case at IKEA and it's so far perfect coz it has 8 holders plus a storage for my cardstock exclusive for stamping.  The previous solution I had just occupies too much space and the bottles I used are kind'a big for each color/shade.


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